Terence O'Connell is a professional artist using traditional methods and materials. He lives in the beautiful Lakeland area of north Co. Westmeath in the Irish midlands. Though not exclusively, his work is mainly concerned with the landscape and wildlife of this special area.

It is an area that contains better known lakes like Lough Lene, Lough Bawn, Lough Derravaragh, Lough Owel, Lough Ennel and further to the west the great Lough Ree, but also innumerable smaller lakes and ponds, and extensive areas of bog and wetland, set within a landscape of low hills, fields and hedgerows.

Terence produces oil-paintings and watercolour-paintings of the wildlife and landscape of this area that reflect its often over-looked beauty. It is a place he has been happy to live in for over thirty years and these pictures are in part an expression of his affection for its particular qualities.
